breaking walls


In my neighborhood

In my neighborhood I see children of the same culture playing around in the yards and having picnics with Twizzlers. I see all the people smiling, gossiping, having fun, making new friends, playing, but mostly smiling and having fun. I see rushing crowds moving at a pace I can’t seem to keep up with.

In my neighborhood I hear the kids laughing, the dogs barking, people talking; Neighbors yelling from house to house about the newest gossip, and teenagers playing music in their cell phones. The scent of tortas, tacos, and tostadas parades through the air, filling you with warmth. Flavors and spices from all over the world coming together to create something enchanting.

I smell the winter, the spring, the summer, the autumn. I taste my mom’s cooking and chili fries from Coney Island. The smooth and jagged feel of cobblestones and bricks caressing my hand. I can touch the prickly generic bushes that everyone has in their yard.

In my neighborhood I feel at home and safe with I’ve known my entire life and with people who are like family. I feel happiness, gratitude, calm, and peace in every face I see. When I came to Europe, no one knew me. I was alone without my family. At the beginning it was hard for me to live without them, my family, friends and siblings. Until now I still get sad when I think of it because you can’t forget your past – your family, your country and your experiences. But today I am used to being without them. New school, new teachers, new friends, new country, new language, new house. The open arms and smiling faces pull you in just the right way. A feeling that is so entrancing you won’t feel it anywhere else.

When I open the door to my house, I can see my energetic dog who’s happy to see anyone who comes to the door and my baby niece trying to keep her balance while learning to walk. When I open the door to my house I can realize that I am the luckiest girl in this world because all I see, I smell, I taste, I touch, and I feel it is enough for me, and I can just appreciate what I have and what I don’t.


Zaria, Nuria and Celynah

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