breaking walls


My dear global brothers and sisters, “Let freedom ring! Let freedom ring!” As said by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King, did you know freedom isn’t ringing? The only thing that is ringing is our ears from hearing gunshots all through the night, screams from family frights, fear of what will become of tomorrow. My heart is filled with so much sorrow. Please show me the light. Please help me to help my people learn to fight for what is right. Please let me know what will come of tomorrow. I don’t want my people to follow after another casket of a fallen member of our lives. When I look at my life I am blessed. When I look at my life I feel stressed. Please help me be accepted. Please let this world not be intense. Just tear down the fence between the differences. Let’s hold hands with other race. Let’s not keep making this world a disgrace. Let love lead our way. I hope this hate will not stay. Just Please…. Let freedom Ring



(Detroit 2016)

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