Breaking Walls, Safe To Say, Is Quite The Experience – Amy, 2023 Cape Town Artist

Breaking Walls, safe to say, is quite an experience. 

The beginning of 2023 Palermo Summit began with a creative burst, whereby the artists shared their emotions and thoughts through their writing. During these sessions, our Executive Director, Fran, would actively listen and comment on our pieces, which we would refer to as ‘glows and grows’. Fran would be diligent in her assessments, often resorting to laying on the floor as it ‘helped the flow of creativity’. My personal experience with her glows and grows was very enlightening, and I’d often find myself brimming with pride for my work. Thereafter, artists would engage with one another in peer-to-peer editing, where fellow artists offered their insight into their peers’ work. 

Intervals between would consist of Ensemble building, working on bringing the artists closer to one another.

The journey follows with rehearsals, organizing and preparing artists for our performance, Creative Activist Lab, and Health And Wellness. Our performance is a compilation of each artist’s two writing pieces of choice. Rehearsals featured the lovely Dola, who worked patiently with us artists to create an entire performance. Often after each rehearsal (and some relaxing ensemble meditation) I would feel satisfied, and proud of the progress I had made.  

Creative Activist Lab delved into our personal struggles, our community’s struggles, and ways in which we could better this. This session made me, and several others contemplate their lives.  For the first time, I was talking openly about things I would not have. Creative Activist Lab had me thinking and constantly on my toes. 

The personal insight Health And Wellness offered, was by far better than any therapy session, in my opinion. Personal, as well as social revelations were discovered, as we frequently questioned sensitive topics, such as mental health. Hearing my fellow artist’s struggles with mental health, and how they prioritize their health, made me realize, that I wasn’t as lonely as I thought. Oftentimes, I would find myself relating to another artist, and it gave me a sense of companionship. 

And finally, the performance! Nerves buzzed through the artists on performance night. As people started pouring in, so did our nerves, until finally, we got our time to shine. And shine we did! The audience got a glimpse of our souls, of my soul, and it made us all proud to strut our stuff. And when the finishing song played we danced as if there wasn’t anyone watching. We did it! During our celebration, I realized how far we’d all come during the two weeks we’d been together, and it made me proud. Proud of myself, and my fellow artists.  

Thank you, Breaking Walls for this experience.  

Amy – 2023 Cape Town Artist