Dear 2016 artists, ambassador, associates and volunteers, So many good and beautiful thoughts race through my mind as I write these words. As each successive initiative closes I realize the ten-days we spend together as a creative community is a patchwork of tender, painful, joyous, funny, scary and sometimes tedious moments that draw us closer and make us stronger as individuals and as a movement. Yes, I do believe that after our experiences in Detroit we can absolutely say breaking walls is a movement thanks to the trust and love and talent each of you contributed. I am so proud to be your guide. All my love and respect.

As we say: ONWARD to Warsaw!


20160712_082200“The writing workshops made me feel at peace because, I could open up and express myself.  I like the workshops because, in them I get the chance to learn from the other artists experiences.  I enjoy the rehearsals because, I feel joy and can see the progress in everyone.  I’m so excited to perform.”


20160712_081428“I feel so good while we are rehearsing together, so that we show you our best on stage.  I just want to say, I feel now, that I am at home.”

“I think everyone showed the power of their words. I was surprised at the ideas that such young people can have. Everyone was so brave at sharing and I feel grateful for being a part of that.” 20160711_214012

“I’ve been in many workshops in my life and the ones at breaking walls are really amazing! They make you think outside of the box and help you find who you really are. The workshops here helps me see our community from other peoples perspective and to see the world on a big screen.” 20160711_213809

“I find the workshops very insightful. They create a bridge to connect to the other fellow breaking walls artists on a common ground and match and allow the growth of versatility and prosperity.”


20160708_220823“At breaking walls we all do workshops to either get comfortable with others, to get ready to perform, or to enhance our horizon on writing.  The workshops are very fun and they engage us.  I honestly love the workshops although they are a bit too long, but they really help make us better writers and therefore I’m happy!”