BW Artists Understand Their Role As An Artist In Our Society

Barcelona artist, Oriol speaks out: ”In this turbulent time in which injustice and prejudgement are being raised, youth’s voices matter more than ever – to unsilence the silent ones, so we can create a change on behalf of a better future.”








Tangier artist, Safaa adds her voice: “The circumstances we’re living in today are unmerciful to ignorance, therefore, the young voices uniting and speaking up about how Covid-19 is affecting us is the push we need to redirect our trajectory towards a better and a much safer world.”







Santiago artist, Angie shares: “As young women, we need to change our ways of interaction in our communities from a feminist perspective,  as a way to stand up against injustices, and as a first step to establish new ways of living with mutual support, love, and respect.”







Moha from Tangier believes: “As a young man, and artist experiencing today’s world every day, I believe that to truly understand someone’s pain – male or female, we must give them a chance to use their voice, they might be right.”







Cape Town artist and leadership apprentice, Jesse speaks about her role as an artist in our society: “The reality is that youth will not stay the youth forever, we will become the older generation that will raise children, vote for change and hold positions of political/ financial power. Our voice matters because we have the ability to radically imagine a completely new and improved world that the older generation may not get to see but we may get to create. During these times nothing is too radical to reimagine and dream and we have to for our future because we see the potential of aiming for more and not settling for any less.”




Jesse, Angie, Moha, Oriol & Safaa will add their voices to the chorus of their global brothers and sisters during our Virtual Artist Cooperative starting August 11!