Shankia Reflects on 2022 Cape Town Community-Based Initiative


My experience at Breaking Walls 2002 Cape Town was amazing. If I could do it all over again, I would without hesitation. When I heard that I was chosen to represent Rainbow Dreams Trust at Breaking Walls, I was so shocked and excited. I was already looking forward to it.

On that Wednesday, I was so nervous to go there and meet new people. Then I saw there was no need to be nervous because my peers were so chilled and nice, and they loved me. They made me feel welcome.

So I thought since they are so free to be themselves and me – I should also be true to be to them and myself by being myself and not pretending to be someone else.

When I saw Mama D from Rainbow Dreams I was so happy. Fran – she is so funny, loving, diplomatic, and self-assured that she inspired me. I felt so loved and welcomed by everyone, and feel Breaking Walls brought us together and boosted our confidence to perform in front of an audience.

Breaking Walls artist
Rainbow Dreams Trust Delegation