Thank You Breaking Walls Supporters!

Dear Breaking Walls Supporters,

I write from a place of joy truly made by my receiving the Billie Allen Memorial Sponsorship that will enable me to intern at the United Nations. For me, it is by far, literally and figuratively, my biggest opportunity ever. This opportunity is something clearly more than I could ever dream of happening. The United Nation’s history is aligned with my beliefs. It is the place where anyone who wishes to change the world wishes to intern. It is a place that historically has changed the world. The reason we have not had World War III is because of the United Nations. In the dark days of apartheid in South Africa in 1972, it was this very institution that recognized Apartheid as a Crime Against Humanity. From miles away, the United Nations felt our pain, and as early as that year they let us know that they stood with us. I write forty-nine years later about myself having an opportunity to sit in the chamber where such titans sat. 

It’s unimaginable what effect this will have on me. As someone who is a law student, I understand the United Nations as the ultimate legislature and ultimate executive and ultimate judiciary. Its laws are a guiding light for all governments and citizens who are party to them. This opportunity will take me to the very institution I admire, where I will serve their values and carry out their mission. In my capacity as a future lawyer, this will do a lot for my career and is influencing me to consider seriously being a Human Rights lawyer.

All I am trying to say is that this institution has had an indirect impact on my life which is significant. I am very grateful from a personal level and in my capacity as a future lawyer.
I never dreamed of an opportunity that affords me to be in contact with so much greatness. Growing up, I never saw myself worthy of such an opportunity. Growing up on the streets of the Phillippi Township, the situation really does not allow for a person to easily dream. Success and great experiences are something so rare that some people feel it is not even worth trying. Rainbow Dreams Trust and Breaking Walls have given me a window to the world and because of that, I have increased the horizon for myself. This is such an amazing story I cherish. A horizon that will see me seeing myself in that world that is better than where I come. Breaking Walls has prepared me for this, my first step I take into the real world. 
I am a young man who believes that all forms of discrimination are Illegal and should, in all forms, be abolished. I believe the world is a shared place in which even though we are from different places, we should have mutual concern for others. I believe that borders do no longer hold people from making meaningful life with people miles away. All beliefs beautifully proclaimed by Billie Allen.

I want to thank you for your generosity in giving me such an opportunity. For caring for me. It is something that I can never be able to say thank you enough. Thank you for being concerned, thank you for making me be assured again that there are people who care, and that the caring society I wish to exist, does exist. It just needs to be something that more and more people get involved in promoting. Through this opportunity, I know it is worth pursuing a course of caring and being really concerned.

Interning at the United Nations will take me to another level. A level where I can only grow. Sometimes it’s an opportunity like this that can change one’s life from ordinary to extraordinary. In all of this, I carry my Phillippi community on my shoulders. I represent them and my Breaking Walls, global family. An achievement for me is an achievement for them. It will spark a light in me. I will do my best to make sure I keep this light shining so that the ones who come after me will gain warmth and hope.

Yours sincerely,

Athenkosi Nyembezi
Breaking Walls ambassador, 2021 Billie Allen Memorial Sponsorship Recipient