We Are A Virtual Glogal Family of Artists!!!

Today’s missive shares more insights into our BW impact on young people across the globe. It feels right to spread the word about the impact of our first Virtual Artist Cooperative as each of us struggles with the confusion, concern, and uncertainty facing us in this new, reinventing environment.

Here we go:

“By using my own inner thoughts and feelings as building blocks to create, I evoke an emotion of thought and awareness. Others are able to relate and not feel so alone.
Through Breaking Walls and all the amazing mentors and artists, through diversity, I have learned to stand with my people. We are not alone.

Breaking Walls teaches you to love and brace yourself with full capacity while striving for the best of what there is in this world, to work together to start a change. By working with our innermost self through creativity, an awareness arises as more and more people start to feel your emotions. By being personal there is depth in what you create.

When we are passionate about what we want, it is much more likely that we will make it happen. We are all in this together, why separate everyone with such ferocity? Are we not all striving for the same end goal of inner happiness?
Breaking Walls starts taking apart that wall one brick at a time to have a world of freedom and peace, happiness, and love.”

Senya, Cape Town artist

“Unexpected things are always beautiful!! ♥️ Unexpected year, Unexpected events, unexpected people !! That what made this year special!

Instead of a face to face summit in Romania, we did it virtually On zoom! To make our virtual performance of BEING THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS! It was actually difficult to imagine how it’s going to be, but Working as a family again, dreaming, spending beautiful moments, planning, having fun, supporting each other, we made it real. With making groups of talents from Storytelling to Spoken word to Dance to vocal, and it was actually surprising to Know that Some of us have talents that I’ve never expected! I was in love with what we do every morning, waking up to see their smiling faces and feel their energy.. .

Two weeks end.. . Last days of making the final touches on our videos and stories to send them to the world.

The awaited day comes, mixed feelings come; stress, happiness, energy, fear, excitement, enthusiasm.

Our live show started, we presented our performance feeling all the moments! Honestly it was an amazing event seeing everyone happy and proud of our work and finally achieve the goal of 2020 Cooperative, and that the pandemic hasn’t stopped us from doing what we do every year, from send our voices to the word and send our message! It was insane!

I know why I should be proud of being a Breaking Walls artist, of being a part of this big and beautiful family! Because I should be!

And because of what we do — connecting * creating  * and changing!! ❤️❤️

Hope to see my family growing up and shining again and meet them at the sooner chance ♥️♥️”

Imane, Tangier artist


“2020 has been the year of uncertainty. Each day something new and strange appeared and our lives were put upside down. And that made me feel afraid. I was afraid of things just coming to an end and just moving forward without them. And then an email arrived “Breaking Walls 2020 will be in zoom”. I can’t remember any other day when I’ve been as happy and relieved as I was that day. And then things started evolving and Breaking Walls 2020 started and even though it still was uncertain how things would be, everything was perfect. It felt like we were speaking side to side, not a virtual world, but a world we created in just the first day. And those days changed everything 2020 was being. A bad year? Not with Breaking Walls, not anymore.

And we did what we do: er connected in a virtual world, we created a world with our words, movements, songs, videos, and images and we changed the flow of what it was being the year of uncertainty. Not afraid of that anymore, accepting things and moving forward strongly!”

Fran, Barcelona artist